Live streaming packages - IP Camera
![Free Package](/img/packages/free.jpg)
Package for cameras of social and non-commercial importance. It must present an image that is interesting to a wider audience.
Package Features
- No limit on the number of recipients
- Bandwidth: up to 2 MB/s
- Advertisements on the website
- It is not possible to embed a live video on your website
- Additional broadcast to YouTube
- Visit statistics
Price: FREE
![Premium Package](/img/packages/premium.jpg)
Package for commercial and private users who do not want or cannot use the Free package.
Package Features
- Number of recipients: up to 100 simultaneously
- Bandwidth: up to 2 MB/s
- No ads
- Possibility to embed a live video on your website
- Additional broadcast to YouTube
- Possibility to protect access with a password
- Visit statistics
Price: 15 EUR per month or PLN 150 EUR per year
![Custom Package](/img/packages/custom.jpg)
Package for users who require specific transmission conditions beyond the Free and Premium packages.
Package Features
- Number of recipients: to be agreed
- Bandwidth: to be agreed
- No ads
- Possibility to embed a live video on your website
- Additional broadcast to YouTube
- Possibility to protect access with a password
- Visit statistics
Price: negotiable
Prices exclude VAT. Read Terms and Conditions of